Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Notes on Ecosystems

Topic 1: Ecosystems at Risk A. Ecosystems and Their Management 2. Vulnerability and Resilience of Ecosystems * Vunerability is the sensitivity of an ecosystem to cope with stress. * Resilience is the ability of an ecosystem (or a component of an ecosystem) to adapt to a changing environment and to restore function and structure following an episode of natural or human-induced stress. * All ecosystems function in a state of dynamic equilibrium or a continual state of balanced change. This state of dynamic equilibrium is the product of the interrelationship of the elements in the ecosystem: the atmosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere.* Change occurs because the interrelationship between minerals, energy and communities varies over time. * It is also the interdependence of these four elements that makes an ecosystem vulnerable. * A change beyond the limits of the equilibrium, in any of these elements, means that the system as a whole cannot exist in its original state. All ec osystems are, in a sense, vulnerable, but the level of vulnerability depends on how small a change is needed in any element to upset the equilibrium. * Ecosystems, are therefore, not equally at risk – some are more resilient than others. Which ecosystems have greater resilience? Resilience is the ability of an ecosystem (or component of an ecosystem) to adapt to a changing environment and to restore function and structure following an episode of natural or human- induced stress.Ecosystems rich in biodiversity generally have greater resilience than those with little diversity. They are able to recover more readily from naturally induced stress (including drought and fire) and human- induced habitat destruction. 2. Under what conditions does long-term degradation occur? Long-term degeneration occurs when the magnitude and duration of the stress exceed the ability of the component to repair itself. 3. Explain the process shown in Fig 1. 1. 28. Figure 1. 1. 28 shows the impact of stress on the functioning of ecosystems.It shows the Elasticity and the rate of recovery of an ecosystem property following disturbance. It also shows the rate of amplitude and the threshold level of strain beyond. The intensity and duration of stress is important in terms of the effect it has on ecosystems. 4. Outline how natural sources of stress can play an important role in the functioning of ecosystems. These changes could be in response to changes in the availability of water, average temperature or many other natural events. In nature, these changes usually take place very slowly.The biome gradually adapts as animals and plant species that have characteristics unsuited to the change die out and those more suited the environment remains alive to breed and pass on their characteristics to successive generations. This process is known as natural selection. Causes of Ecosystem Vulnerability * All ecosystems have some ability to withstand stress. * They tend to resist being distu rbed or altered and will restore themselves to their original condition if not disturbed too dramatically. * In other words, ecosystems maintain themselves within a tolerable range of conditions. A number of factors are relevant to the vulnerability of ecosystems to stress, including location, extent, biodiversity and linkages. a) Location * Where an ecosystem is will affect its functioning. * At a global scale, latitude, distance from the sea, and altitude play decisive roles in determining climate and ultimately the nature of particular ecosystems.* The microclimatic features of a location can be significant enough to create a range of distinctive ecosystem types within relatively small areas e. g. aspect. * Some ecosystems are located in nvironments that are extreme e. g. deserts, polar, hypersaline lagoons. * Organisms capable of living in such conditions are highly specialised. * The greater the degree of specialisation of an organism to a particular set of environmental condit ions the more vulnerable it is to changes in those conditions e. g. coral * Corals are highly specialised organisms that flourish in the relatively shallow, nutrient-deficient waters of the tropics. †¢ * Any increase in nutrient levels promotes the growth of algae, which reduces the amount of sunlight available for coral growth. If high nutrient levels continue the corals become stressed, reefs contract in size and the number of coral species declines. * Coral is also sensitive to changes in water temperature, and flourish between 25 °C to 29 °C. * A small increase in the temperature can kill the coral polyp, leaving only the white calcium skeleton (coral bleaching).* Proximity to large concentrations of people is another important contributing factor to ecosystem vulnerability; demand for land grows as populations grow. Urban, industrial and agricultural land uses destroy natural ecosystems, while oceans, rivers and the atmosphere become dumping grounds for pollutants. b) Extent The extent (size) of any particular ecosystem is the product of a variety of factors. †¢ Recent research has shown that the boundaries of ecosystems tend to overlap each other. †¢ E. g. river ecosystems extended beyond the river channel to include the whole drainage system. †¢ Thus, human activity in the drainage basin can impact on the river itself even when it occurs some distance from the channel. E. g. may increase soil erosion †¢ A study showed that stoneflies and other creatures living in shallow wells on the flood plain of the river, up to 2km away from the river, mated along the riverbanks before returning to lay their eggs in the wells.†¢ This means the floodplain and the river cannot be considered as separate systems. †¢ Ecosystems that are restricted to relatively small areas or have already been distributed extensively are especially vulnerable †¢ Tropical rainforest, have relatively small populations of a large number of pecies confined to relatively small, localised communities †¢ Loss of small areas of rainforest can lead to extinction of plant and animal species †¢ Savanna grasslands, have large populations of a small number of species spread out over much larger areas †¢ Loss of a small area of grassland therefore need not result in the extinction of species. †¢ Large herbivores typical of these regions require extensive grazing areas†¢ c) Biodiversity Biodiversity is usually considered at three levels: genetic diversity, species diversity and ecosystem diversity. ) Genetic diversity – Genetic diversity is the variety of genetic information contained in all the individual plants, animals and micro-organisms †¢ Genetic diversity occurs within and between populations of species as well as between species. †¢ Genetic diversity favours the survival of a species, because it increases the chance that some members of the species will have characteristics that aid thei r survival †¢ Often a gene has costs as well as benefits †¢ A study has shown that peach potato aphids that are resistant to common pesticides are less able to survive ii) Species diversity – Species diversity is a measure of the number of species at each trophic level of an ecosystem†¢ The greater the species diversity the more robust the ecosystem †¢ If the population of one consumer organism crashers there are other producers available that can fulfil a similar function in the ecosystem †¢ When ecosystems are diverse, there is a range of pathways for the ecological processes, such as nutrient recycling †¢ If one pathway is damaged or destroyed, an alternative may be used and the ecosystem can continue to function at its normal level †¢ If the level of biodiversity is greatly diminished, the functioning of the ecosystem is put at risk †¢ The greater the level of diversity, the greater the opportunity to adapt to change †¢ Many di verse ecosystems are characterised by highly specialised organisms †¢ A species may be vulnerable even if the ecosystem as a whole is not †¢ iii) Ecosystem diversity – Ecosystem diversity refers to the diversity present within ecosystems in terms of habitat differences, biotic communities and the variety of ecological processes d) LinkagesInterdependence, or linkages, is related to species diversity †¢ The greater the level of interdependence within an ecosystem the greater its ability to absorb change †¢ The loss of a primary consumer from a food web, e. g. s unlikely to have a major impact on secondary consumers if there is a range of alternative primary consumers on which to feed †¢ Ecosystems that have low levels of interdependence are much more vulnerable to change †¢ Krill are the dominant primary consumer organism and the main source of energy for some species of whale †¢ Interdependence can take very subtle forms e. g. some flowering plants can be fertilised by only one species of insect †¢ Anything that jeopardises this third organism, therefore, will affect the reproductive success of the flowing plant †¢ Primary consumers have highly specific food sources, and many parasitic organisms depend on specific hosts †¢ The same characteristics can be exploited by humans in the biological control of pest species †¢ Large consumer animals may range across a number of small, localised ecosystems, having genetically adapted to the variations in all of them †¢ 1.Outline (using examples) how the level of interdependence within an ecosystem will affect its vulnerability. Interdependence, or linkages, is related to species diversity. The greater the level of interdependence within an ecosystem the greater its ability to absorb change. The loss of a primary consumer from a food web, e. g. is unlikely to have a major impact on secondary consumers if there is a range of alternative primary consumers o n which to feed. Ecosystems that have low levels of interdependence are much more vulnerable to change 2. Give an example of the subtle forms this interdependence can take. Interdependence can take very subtle forms e. g. ome flowering plants can be fertilised by only one species of insect. This insect may turn, be dependent on some other organism for part of its life cycle. Case study: Vulnerability of Minnamurra Rainforest The Minnamurra rainforest is a small pocket of rainforest located on the South Coast of New South Wales near Kiama.The extent, biodiversity and location of the rainforest all work together to make this a vulnerable ecosystem. It is located close to urban development and is surrounded by farms. This increases the levels of pollutants entering the system and has lead to significant weed infestation. Natural and Human-Induced Environmental Stress Ecosystems are constantly changing and evolving in response to stress-induced changes within the total environment. * Th ese changes may be brought about naturally e. g. drought, or may be human-induced e. g. deforestation. * Natural changes usually take place more slowly than human-induced changes and the biome gradually adapts as animals and plant species that have characteristics unsuited to the change die out, and those more suited to the new environment remain alive to breed and pass on their characteristics to successive generations (a process known as natural selection).* Sudden natural disasters have occurred from time to time which have caused whole species to die out almost instantly because they had no time to adapt, however this is rare. In contrast, human-induced changes are usually rapid and do not allow species to adapt. * The ability to instigate large-scale environmental change means that people are able to push the state of dynamic equilibrium beyond its limits. * This means that people have created situations where they are required to maintain a state of equilibrium by utilising re sources found elsewhere e. g. the use of fertilisers and pesticides to maintain an agricultural monoculture, which would collapse without them.* Today, human activities destroy or seriously threaten species and destroy or degrade their habitat. Changes affecting ecosystems by cause and rate |Catastrophic |Gradual | |Natural sources of environmental stress |Drought |Climatic Change | | |Flood |Immigration of new species | | |Fire |Adaptation/evolution | | |Volcanic eruption |Ecological succession | | |Earth Quake |disease | | |Landslide | | | |Change in stream course | | | |Disease | | |Human-induced sources of environmental stress |Deforestation |Irrigation- salinization, waterlogging | | |Overgrazing |Soil compaction | | |Ploughing |Depletion of ground water | | |Erosion |Water/air pollution | | |Pesticide application |Loss and degradation of wildlife activity | | |Fire |Elimination of pests and predators | | |Mining |Introduction of new species | | |Toxic Contamination |Overhuntin g/Overfishing | |Urbanisation |Toxic contamination | | |Water/Air pollution |Urbanisation | | |Loss and degradation of wildlife activity |Excessive tourism | a) Natural environmental stress * Some natural sources of stress can be catastrophic and cause very rapid change e. g. droughts, floods, fire, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, landslides, disease, tsunamis and cyclones.* Most natural sources of environmental stress are more gradual and do allow species to adapt e. g. climatic change, immigration, adaption/evolution, ecological succession, disease, geographical isolation. Climate change was thought to be the reason behind the extinction of the dinosaur. * Ecological succession involves one species gradually taking over an environment from another as circumstances within the environment change e. g. as a climate becomes drier, drought-resistant species will gradually take over. Some of the effects of environmental stress Organism Level Physiological and biological changes Psychol ogical disorders Behavioural changes Fewer or no offspring Genetic defects in offspring Cancers Population Level Population increase or decrease Change in age structure Survival of different genetic strains based on stress threshold Loss of genetic diversity ExtinctionCommunity-ecosystem level Disruption of energy flows -Decrease or increase in solar energy uptake and heat output -Changes in trophic structure in food chains and webs Disruption of chemical cycles -Depletion of essential nutrients -excessive nutrient levels Simplification -reduction in species diversity -reduction or elimination of habitats -less complex food webs -possibility of lowered stability -possibility of ecosystem collapse Case study: Mt. St. Helens volcanic eruption 18th may 1980 at MT st Helens Washington state. A large volcanic eruption disrupts the natural order. New populations of flora and fauna were beginning to colonise the harsh environment.The new ecosystem formed and the process of regeneration was observed as the organisms with enough resilience survived and repaired. b) Human-induced environmental stress * People play a role in maintaining or disturbing the dynamic equilibrium of any ecosystem. * The impacts of human activity have a global dimension, operating within the context of an interdependent global environment. * Global co-operation is needed to address the threats to the world’s biophysical environment. * The causes of environmental degradation in today’s world include: – massive population growth – developing world poverty and the crippling burden of debt – non-sustainable agricultural practices in many countries environmentally damaging industrialisation and exploitation of natural resources, especially in poor countries struggling for export earnings* Each of these issues need to be effectively dealt with if humans are to combat environmental degradation. * Human threats to biodiversity include: – species introductions à ¢â‚¬â€œ habitat destruction – hunting/trade in animal products – pollution * The World Conservation Union’s analysis of animal extinctions since 1600 found that 39% resulted from species introductions, 36% from habitat destruction and 23% from deliberate extermination. answer the questions from the information on page 32-33 1. Outline the history of human-induced change. Humans have induced change in ecosystems since very early days in their evolution.The effects have been either caused intentionally or inadvertently. eg: Aboriginals burnt bushland to aid in hunting as well as inadvertently promoting growth and shaping the Australian bushland through natural selection promoting growth. 2. Outline how humans have simplified natural ecosystems and what this has resulted in the need for. Humans have been shaping ecosystems for their benefit. In this process the useful parts of the ecosystem have remained and the other parts have changed or died out. This process ha s also simplified the ecosystem in some cases making it unable to support itself. Eg crops, farms require money and time for upkeep. 3. What is the great environmental challenge for humans?The great challenge that humans face with their environment is to maintain a healthy balance between simplified ecosystems and neighbouring complex ecosystems. 4. Outline the ways in which humans modify natural vegetation, and the ability of the affected ecosystems to recover in each case. Human induced change can be either intentional, inadvertent or a result of negligence. The changes made can result in complete ecological destruction but occasionally the ecosystem can adapt due to its resilience and survive with the change. The Nature of Human-induced Modifications – Human-induced modifications to ecosystems may be either intentional or inadvertent. – In some cases they are the result of negligence on the part of people. i) Intentional ecosystem changeHumans bring about intentiona l ecosystem change for human benefit. An example of this can be found in the aboriginal burning for easier hunting or simply clearing land and producing food from crops or livestock. ii) Inadvertent ecosystem change ? These are changes that are not intended, but occur indirectly as a result of human activity. ? Meeting the needs and wants of humankind and a rapidly increasing human population will inevitably bring about large-scale environmental change. ? Unlike other species, humans have the ability to transfer resources from one region to another and to modify ecosystems in order to sustain continued population growth.Examples of human activities and the inadvertent effects they have include: Farming – Reduction of biodiversity, destruction of habitats, soil erosion, introduction of harmful pesticides killing native flora/fauna. Urbanisation- Total destruction of habitat, fragmentation of habitat destruction of ecosystem linkages, Increased pollution affecting surrounding e cosystems, Destruction of ozone o3 layer through use of cfcs iii) Ecosystem change caused through negligence People sometimes cause environmental change through negligence. Some of the more notorious examples of humanity’s failure to protect ecosystems at risk are the: ? Explosion of the reactor at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in the Ukraine ?Minamata children being poisoned by mercury accumulated in the food chain ? Grounding of the Exxon Valdez in Prince William Sound, Alaska which caused widespread environmental destruction Consequences of human-induced changes . Human induce change is occurring worldwide in ecosystems. . The magnitude and rate of change is closely linked to human population size. . Salinization and desertification are two large scale problems with deforestation a major cause of ecosystem destruction through change. . Almost 11 million ha of land is degraded each year. Takes between 100 and 250 years for topsoil to build up in an area, can be destroye d in less than 10 by human activity.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Essay

Artificial intelligence (AI) results to simulation of intellectual practice such as comprehension, rationalization and learning symbolic information in context. In AI, the automation or programming of all aspects of human cognition is considered from its foundations in cognitive science through approaches to symbolic and sub-symbolic AI, natural language processing, computer vision, and evolutionary or adaptive systems. (Neumann n. d.) AI considered being an extremely intricate domain of problems which during preliminary stages in the problem-solving phase of this nature, the problem itself may be viewed poorly. A precise picture of the problem can only be seen upon interactive and incremental refinement of course, after you have taken the initial attempt to solve the mystery. AI always comes hand in hand with machine logistics. How else could mind act appropriately but with the body. In this case, a machine takes the part of the body. In a bit, this literature will be tackling about AI implemented through Neural Network. The author deems it necessary though to tackle Machine learning and thus the succeeding paragraphs. Machine Learning is primarily concerned with designing and developing algorithms and procedures that allow machines to â€Å"learn† – either inductive or deductive, which, in general, is its two types. At this point, we will be referring to machines as computers since in the world nowadays, the latter are the most widely used for control. Hence, we now hone our definition of Machine Learning as the study of methods for programming computers to learn. Computers are applied to a wide range of tasks, and for most of these it is relatively easy for programmers to design and implement the necessary software. (Dietterich n. d. ) Machine learning techniques are grouped into different categories basing on the expected outcome. Common types include Supervised, Unsupervised, Semi-supervised or Reinforcement learning. There is also the Transduction method and the ‘Learning to learn’ scheme. A section of theoretical computer science, Computational Learning Theory is the investigation on the computation of algorithms of Machine Learning including its efficiency. Researches on Machine Learning focuses mainly on the automatic extraction of information data, through computational and statistical methods. It is very much correlated not only to theoretical computer science as well as data mining and statistics. Supervised learning is the simplest learning task. It is an algorithm to which it is ruled by a function that automatically plots inputs to expected outputs. The task of supervised learning is to construct a classifier given a set of classified training examples (Dietterich n. d.). The main challenge for supervised learning is that of generalization that a machine is expected in approximating the conduct that a function will exhibit which maps out a connection towards a number of classes through comparison of IO samples of the said function. When many plot-vector pairs are interrelated, a decision tree is derived which aids into viewing how the machine behaves with the function it currently holds. One advantage of decision trees is that, if they are not too large, they can be interpreted by humans. This can be useful both for gaining insight into the data and also for validating the reasonableness of the learned tree (Dietterich n. d. ). In unsupervised learning, manual matching of inputs is not utilized. Though, it is most often distinguished as supervised learning and it is one with an unknown output. This makes it very hard to decide what counts as success and suggests that the central problem is to find a suitable objective function that can replace the goal of agreeing with the teacher (Hinton & Sejnowski 1999). Simple classic examples of unsupervised learning include clustering and dimensionality reduction. (Ghahramani 2004) Semi-supervised learning entails learning situations where is an ample number of labelled data as compared to the unlabelled data. These are very natural situations, especially in domains where collecting data can be cheap (i. e. the internet) but labelling can be very expensive/time consuming. Many of the approaches to this problem attempt to infer a manifold, graph structure, or tree-structure from the unlabelled data and use spread in this structure to determine how labels will generalize to new unlabelled points. (Ghahramani 2004) Transduction is comparable to supervised learning in predicting new results with training inputs and outputs, as well as, test inputs – accessible during teaching, as basis, instead of behaving in accordance to some function. All these various types of Machine-Learning techniques can be used to fully implement Artificial Intelligence for a robust Cross-Language translation. One thing though, this literature is yet to discuss the planned process of machine learning this research shall employ, and that is by Neural Networks.

Divine Command Theory, Objectivism, Diversity and Dep Theses

1. Explain what is meant by saying that a value is intrinsic? How are instrumental values related to intrinsic values? A value is said to be intrinsic if an object has the value for its own sake or because of its nature. A value is said to be instrumental if it aids in achieving or acquiring something with intrinsic value. For example, one’s job could have instrumental value in that it acquires money. Furthermore, money could have instrumental value in that it can provide objects from which one derives happiness or pleasure, something with intrinsic value.Objects or activities with instrumental value typically aid in acquiring things with intrinsic value. 2. According to the Divine Command Theory (DCT), does God command what he commands because it is intrinsically good; or is what God commands â€Å"good† because it is God who commands it? The Divine Command Theory suggests that what God commands is â€Å"good† because He commands it, but this view is not necessa rily valid. According to the DCT, â€Å"goodness† is equated with â€Å"God-willed,† suggesting that the commands of God are â€Å"good† because they are His commands.A statement such as â€Å"God is good† becomes redundant and illogical if â€Å"good† is equated with â€Å"God-willed. † It would be more logical to think that God’s commands have intrinsic goodness since atheists and other nonbelievers can identify with some moral foundation. An atheist might choose to believe that God was correct in saying that â€Å"killing is wrong† not because he believes in God’s word but rather he believes that the rule is intrinsically good. 3. According to the Divine Command Theory why should we obey the moral law?According to the Divine Command Theory, we should obey the moral law because it is the word of God. The DCT suggests that â€Å"morally right† means â€Å"willed by God,† so acting in compliance with moral law is essentially synonymous with acting in compliance with the word of God. Since God determines the moral law, no other reason is required for us to obey. 4. Explain why the DCT logically makes morality arbitrary. Why is arbitrariness a problem for morality? The Divine Command Theory suggests that morally â€Å"right† simply means willed by God.If something is morally â€Å"right† based solely on what God determines, an unsettling arbitrariness arises out of His commands. It would seem that God could just as easily make seemingly â€Å"immoral† acts â€Å"moral† (i. e. rape, genocide). The problem with arbitrariness is that it makes the development of a deeper, more appreciative morality absolutely impossible. An example can be made out of the story of Joshua and the battle at Jericho. If we are to believe that God determines what is morally â€Å"right† and â€Å"wrong,† then we believe that Joshua was just in slaughtering the men, women , and children because it was God’s command.In this scenario, this belief prevents the development of a moral understanding that murder is wrong, a severe problem for morality. 5. Define and explain Ethical Relativism, Ethical Absolutism, and Ethical Objectivism. Ethical relativism is the idea that moral â€Å"right† and â€Å"wrong† are defined within a society/culture or by an individual. The difference between society (conventional ethical relativism) and an individual (subjective ethical relativism) defining morality is very clear. Subjectivists hold that individuals are allowed to define what is â€Å"right† or â€Å"wrong,† but this would suggest that criminals (i. . murderers, cannibals, rapists) are correct and morally â€Å"right† when they engage in their crimes, since no one can ever be wrong. Conventionalists would hold that a society or culture is left to define moral â€Å"right† and â€Å"wrong. † However, it wou ld allow for any group to declare their ideals â€Å"right† or â€Å"just,† suggesting that groups with â€Å"immoral† ideals (i. e. congregations of rapists, murderers, etc. ) would be just as morally â€Å"right† as pro-life activists. Ethical absolutism holds that fundamental, absolute moral â€Å"right† and â€Å"wrong† exist and must not be defied by anyone, regardless of context.However, the ethical objectivist believes that there exists a universal morality relevant to all people and cultures, but with context taken into consideration. For example, the ethical absolutist would believe that a mother stealing medicine to help her sick child is wrong because the bottom line is that stealing is wrong. However, the ethical objectivist would hold that the mother’s reasoning was sound and that her moral obligation to help her child overrides her moral duty to the law. 6.Explain how the â€Å"Diversity Thesis† together with the â€Å"Dependency Thesis† logically imply the conclusion that Ethical Relativism is true. Then, give at least two arguments against ethical relativism. Are there reasons to believe that there are some objective values that apply in any society? The Diversity Thesis is an anthropological fact stating that moral â€Å"right† and â€Å"wrong† vary amongst different societies, so there are no fundamental or universal morals held by all societies. The Dependency Thesis states that what is morally â€Å"right† and â€Å"wrong† is dependent upon what the society defines as right and wrong.If both of these hold true, and conventional ethical relativism is described by a society in which moral â€Å"right† and â€Å"wrong† are defined within the society, then the connection is clear. The Diversity Thesis coupled with the Dependency Thesis entail the conclusion outlined in conventional ethical relativism. There are a number of arguments to be ma de against the idea of conventional ethical relativism. For example, some cultures view their women as inferior to men, withholding basic rights (and in some cases, inflicting genital mutilation).While this may be seen by a majority of the society as acceptable, it is often argued that the disregard for human rights is immoral. The ethical relativist would argue that the society is right in doing whatever it collectively thinks is right. In this case, and in many more, it is clear that the society is not always correct in defining moral â€Å"right† and â€Å"wrong† by its own standards. Additionally, the ethical relativist might argue that the pro-slavery movement in early America was morally sound because the society thought that what they were doing was morally â€Å"right. The notion that slavery is wrong is now more widely accepted, but a glimpse not too far into our country’s past would prove otherwise. This is an obvious example of why ethical relativism is incorrect and can inadvertently allow immorality to be permissible. It is sound to think that the value of human life is an objective value relevant to all societies. While it may be recognized to varying degrees in different parts of the world, it is safe to acknowledge human life as something to be universally valued by all societies.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Analysing a newspaper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Analysing a newspaper - Essay Example The society was structured in a manner that male dominated over women. Most leaders were male chauvinists hence male supremacy reigned. The legal system did not incorporate ways of dealing with domestic violence. Most women who suffered violence ended up being victimized as part of the problem. The article on The Guardian website gives a review on how domestic violence issue has been handled in the UK. The news value is educative and concern peaceful co-existence in a family or domestic set-up. The news is also bad as it highlights violence in homes. Violence affects relationships and consequently leads to health and psychological problems. The news angle is neutral but rebukes perpetrators of violence. It does not support violence in heterosexual or homosexual relationships. The article has employed a criticism language on the government for laxity in coming up with an appropriate legislation in time. The editorial agenda is to sensitize readers on the need to stop domestic violence in families (Humphreys et al. 2013). The article gives insight on how the fight against domestic violence has come a long way. With no legislations relating to domestic violence, most men took advantage of the situation. However, with the emergence of civil and human rights movements, the vice came to shame. Most citizens became sensitized on the need for peace in the family. Couples had to find better ways to resolve their differences. Women’s Aid was founded in 1970 as a feminist movement and campaign tool. Domestic violence and gender oppression became a priority to deal with for the group. Domestic violence and numerous forms of abuse were decisively dealt with by Women’s Aid among other groups that were founded. In 1979, statistic revealed that two women got killed weekly by their former or current partner. The articles makes cites government statistics and other two sources on domestic violence. The sources add information about the

Sunday, July 28, 2019

LAW Business Associations Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

LAW Business Associations - Assignment Example The Act includes certain common principles related to the directors’ duties. Directors’ remuneration’ has occupied a vital position in usual discussions in recent years. This happens primarily owing to the fact that often there lays a huge difference between the remuneration of the directors and the employees. In accordance with a news report presented by Wcbn (2011), the latest trends in directors’ remuneration have been demarcated from the review made by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC). It depicts that remuneration levels usually depend upon the industry within which the company is operating and the company size1. In accordance with a report presented by KPMG UK, it is ascertained that the scenario related to directors’ remuneration in the year 2013 has gone through certain decisive changes. The report states that in the modern day scenario for designing the salary structure, a shift of focus from the market median to the linkage between pay along wi th performance has been made. The latest trends in the remuneration structure can be best understood by following the pictorial representation given below2. Source:2 Companies Act 2006 provides a detailed understanding of the appointment and removal of directors. The Act states that initial appointment of the directors are done by ‘subscribers’ to the memorandum’. Furthermore, the Act also states that ‘article of association’ determines the appointment of directors. In accordance with article 17 of the new model, it states that directors are selected by the members of the annual general meeting and by the Board of Directors. The appointment regulations state that a person must be willing to act as a director. Whereas, s167 (2b) CA 2006 states that â€Å"consent by that person, to act in that capacity† must be informed to the companies house3. According to a report presented by Ernst & Young, the changing landscape pertaining to directorsâ€⠄¢ remuneration has been revealed. The observations reveal that the United Kingdom’s recovery pertaining to the global recession is slower. This is resulting in a decrease in consumer spending and business confidence. The latest trends related to the shareholders’ voting rights with regard to the new remuneration structure has highlighted that companies have been compelled to make transparent communication regarding directors’ remuneration4. Correspondingly, director’s remuneration has accelerated at an alarming rate. In nations such as the UK, all the companies that are listed are required to comply with company law, as directed in the Companies Act, 1985. Subsequently, in 2002, certain reforms had been made to the set out Companies Act 1985 with regard to the enhancement of accountability and transparency for the companies that are listed. In terms of a crucial directive, under the requirement of company law, listed organisations will be necessitated to publish a report relating to directors’ remuneration within annual reporting cycle. Despite such reforms the company law has remained noticeably ineffective to establish specific

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Obamacare Laid Bare - Charles Krauthammer Essay

Obamacare Laid Bare - Charles Krauthammer - Essay Example Obamacare Laid Bare - Charles Krauthammer Apparently, the enforcement of Obamacare is a national issue that stimulates a wide range of political debate given that such law is perceived as a means of transporting enormous amount of wealth under the present American political system. Despite this perception, US government officials cannot fully express the benefits associated with the health care policy so they could avoid the risk of losing in the elections. As such is the case, they merely implement the law through deception being carried out in the form of hidden taxes, mandates, and penalties that generate excessive payments. Although Obamacare seems to be beneficial since it imposes an affordable health care program, the vested interests of government officials will only heighten the clamor of the citizens to eliminate the cancellation of the law. It seems that majority of the Americans considered the legislation as unfavorable knowing that they will only face an additional burden of financial responsibilities. This is pa rticularly unfair for those Americans who have low income considering that most political leaders support the law only to exercise political control and influence of governing their nation’s wealth. The disadvantages of Obamacare only outweigh its advantages as the cancelled policies are more politically-driven in falsifying the essential nature of implementing the law. Certainly, the insurance buyers would later on realize that their taxes and premiums have been raised.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Incident at Oglala Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Incident at Oglala - Movie Review Example This film does an excellent job at unpacking exactly what happened on that fateful day in the 1970s, and presenting many sides of the issue, it fails to address the wider concerns of colonization and dehumanization that really plagued the reservation system, and the systemic violence that allows this type of incident to occur, or even worse, encourages them. This film has many excellent attributes. Probably the best thing about it is that it features heavy use of first person recounts of what happened that day, from everyone involved, including Leonard Peltier, the man eventually (and probably wrongfully) convicted of the murders. This allows the viewer to understand the complexity of the situation, and the emotions that were so prevalent for everyone involved. This also forms an excellent story telling technique, allowing the audience to see first-hand the he said/she said dynamic that occurred in the aftermath of the shooting, including at trial. This technique demonstrates the impossibility of ever fully knowing what occurred when a violent event happened, and the fact that a balance of contradictory evidence must be sought to render a decision. This also removes the idea, so prevalent in many documentaries, that there is an absolute truth that the documentary is trying to expose. It gives the impression that this documentary is trying to truly unpack what happened, and present all sides of the evidence to the viewer, rather than simply trying to sway their mind. This makes it seem more well rounded than other documentaries like Fahrenheit 911 or Bowling for Columbine, which establish a villain and then try to undermine them. Another excellent aspect of this documentary is that it does not get tied up in the minutia of what actually happened during the shooting, but moves on to proximate causes of it. Instead of, for instance, spending a great deal of time on the unanswerable question of who shot first, or how the shootout occurred, it

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Topic selection and statement of problem Assignment

Topic selection and statement of problem - Assignment Example ystem can be defined as a personnel system applied in the process of hiring and promoting government employees based on merit to obtain the highest efficiency in public personnel functions. The application of the merit system in the public education sector has brought about unending controversies especially with the merit pay issue. The merit pay systems emphasizes on the fact that teachers are to be paid for their achievement in the classroom as opposed to their seniority or the number of ed-school credits that they have collected as it has been done from the 1920s period. Reformers in the education system including the government have emphasized that the merit pay will encourage high performing teachers to do well and drive the lazy ones away, thereby improving the performance of public schools. However, teachers’ unions have continually opposed the move stating that there is no objective way of measuring the classroom performance of a teacher. In addition to this, opposing views have pointed to the fact that the merit pay system has a high chance of failing especially because of issues of supervisor bias or favoritism (Gratz, 2009). The merit pay has proven to be productive especially in the private sector where it has been applied since the 1980s. The growth of international economic competition made U.S. corporations to measure indicial worker performance and introduced pay incentives based on work output to motivate employees to perform better. This practice has gone on up to the present day where new performance criteria have been implemented with multi-faceted compensation plans for the highly performing employees (Ritter & Barnett,  2013). The public education monopoly has resisted the merit pay proposal because of the fears that it may lead to biases and unfair treatment of teachers. However, pilot studies carried out, such as those done in Cincinnati’s public school system have proven successful. The merit pay system is relevant for the study of

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Law of contract Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Law of contract - Essay Example However, a counter offer has also been made under which the BD has actually asked Natalie to keep the offer open and if she does, she will get 12 tall glasses also. Considering the above situation, it may be important to ascertain whether Natalie has accepted the offer made by BD. Under this situation, it is important to ascertain the acceptance of the offer and its communication in order to make a formal contract. The offer has been accepted by BD on 18th however, it reached to Natalie on 21st however, under contract law an offer is accepted once the letter of acceptance has been posted if postal acceptance is made. In Adams V Lindsell1 and Henthorn v Fraser2, court decided that an acceptance is complete as soon as the acceptance is posted. Under these conditions Natalie will have to perform her part of the contract and purchase the bottles of Lemonade according to the offer made by her. 2(B) One of the key issues in this case is to decide whether it’s an invitation to treat or an offer to the world which Cruisey Liners plc has made. Under the case law, the advertisement made by the companies is generally considered as an invitation to treat and as such they are not liable to contract on the terms mentioned in the advertisement. An invitation to treat is therefore considered as a willingness of the individuals to negotiate and enter into contract. It is also important to note that in order to become a binding contract, it is critical that the acceptance must be definite in nature. The lack of this therefore may not render a contract binding on other party. (Stone and Cunnington) It is however, important to make a distinction between the invitation to treat and an offer to the world. Under unilateral contract, one party to the contract makes a promise for a reward on the performance of certain act. When an offer is made to the world, its acceptance only occurs when the complete performance of the act is done. (Elliot and Quinn). Considering this, the cas e of Caroline may not require damages for the firm because she has not performed the act. However, in case of Stephen Spider, the same may not be the case as the acceptance of the offer has been made through the performance of the act. It also however, has to be decided as to whether the revocation of offer should be communicated through same channels or not. As a general rule however, the revocation of the offer has to be properly communicated through the same channels. Q#2 The doctrine of privity under the contract law outlines that the rights and obligations arising under the contract can only be imposed on the persons who are party to the contract. As such rights and obligations cannot be enforced on others who are explicitly or implicitly not part of the contract. (McKendrick) The doctrine of privity therefore is also critical under the current environment also as the same help to identify the rights and obligations of third parties under the contract. There are wide range of l aws which are covered under the doctrine of Privity and are decided till today according to this doctrine. Issues such as trusts, estates, collaterals etc are still governed by the doctrine of pri

The role of the HR function Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The role of the HR function - Assignment Example Self development plan not only provides the self reflection but it also sets the path straight in terms of career Personal development program is very important. It provides the framework to the individual to conduct personal self assessment and identify his strengths and weaknesses. It helps in charting out the guideline to optimize and capitalize on the existing capabilities and determine the future path. It helps in identifying the areas of development and ways to enhance capabilities and knowledge and helps in deciding and developing a clear picture of the future in terms of career. Personal development plan is geared towards progress of both personality and self. A clear analysis of existing capabilities and desired ones helps in boosting self esteem and a clear picture of the future enable to add appropriate qualifications especially when you are vying for higher position (Attwood, 2005). This paper aims at creating my own personal development plan in the light of the different theories of personality, learning and leadership. Personal Development Plan A personal development plan consists of the following major steps. 1. What is my current state 2. What is my desired state 3. How do I get there? What is needed 4. ... So it is beneficial to identify the personality type first using the Myers Brigg Type Indicator (MBTI). MBTI It is one of the best known and most widely used for identifying personality and learning style. MBTI identifies the psychological type on four different scales namely Extraversion Vs Introversion (E-I), Sensing Vs Intuition (S-I), Thinking vs. Feelings (T-F) and Judging vs. perceiving (Gardner, 2009). The E-I indicator shows whether the energy and attention primarily comes from inside or from outside events. S-I indicators shows how the individual perceive the world and take the information whether directly from the five senses i.e. sensing or indirectly by using intuition. T-I indicator shows preferences in decision making either logical and rational or subjective values like based on like and dislike. The last indicator is J-P that shows individual’s choice whether to use judging or perceptive attitude for dealing with the environment (Knights et al 2007). I took MBT I online test to identify my personality. The test identified my personality type as ESFP. It shows I am an extrovert and I have the following characteristics sociable, outgoing, talkative, gregarious, active, optimist and impulsive. In my perceptions I rely on my five senses. Both of them are my strengths. However in my judgments I am not rational and logical and mostly make judgments based on my likes and dislike. That is a weakness. My attitude in dealing with the environment is based on perception rather than judging, it can also be considered a weakness (Ewing, 2006) Learning Style There are six types of learning styles namely reading, writing, listening, speaking, visualizing and manipulating. No one style is better than the other. Generally people use the learning style

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Change in Schools Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Change in Schools - Essay Example However, the judgments made on these ruling have raised various questions with regards to whether the courts had the interests of the children at heart. According to California State Laws, courts, in their endeavors of making various decisions concerning children including custody and placement, permanency and safety planning, education and parental rights determination are faced with the burden of ensuring that their decisions are in the best interests of children (Child Welfare Information Gateway, 2010). One notable court case, the Eliezer Williams, et al., vs. State of California, et al. case, filed in San Francisco in 2000 as a class action against the State of California and its education agencies such as CDE, California Department of Education by more than 110 students. The suit was based on the fact that the education agencies in California failed in providing students with equal access to safe and decent school facilities, instructional material and qualified teachers. In 2004, this case was decided, and it was settled that additional funding was to be allocated by the state to be used for improving the quality of instructional materials, facilitating access to decent and safe facilities and hiring of qualified teachers, in the light of ensuring that the academic performance indices of schools in tire one and two significantly improves (California Department of Education, 2012). In this particular case, it is clear that the settlement reached by the court, was in the best inte rest of the children-students-who will benefit from equal access to safe and decent school facilities, instructional material and qualified teachers. In another separate court case ruling with regards to change in schooling with regards to lower crime rate, the Robles-Wong v. California case in 2010, settled that parents are allowed to remove their children from one school to another on the basis of crime rate (Kemerer, Sansom, & Sansom, 2009). The ruling of this

Monday, July 22, 2019

Ideas And Issues In The Visit And A Chronicle Of A Death Foretold Essay Example for Free

Ideas And Issues In The Visit And A Chronicle Of A Death Foretold Essay Many works of contemporary literature discuss ideas and topics which are seen in the world around us today. These themes are either directly demonstrated or implied. Two works as such are The Visit by Friedrich Durrenmatt and A Chronicle of a Death Foretold by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. The issues raised in these two books are justice, communication, tradition, and moral values. Tradition is the ongoing obligation to commit to something, which is an act that has existed for many years. More often than not, tradition helps keep a community in one piece, much like laws do. In other cases, tradition obligates people and makes them do things they normally wouldnt do. In A Chronicle of a Death Foretold, tradition is one of the forces that drives the Vicario twins to kill Santiago Nasar and therefore clean their familys name. However, the Vicario brothers try to escape tradition. They had a debt which they greatly doubted and criticized. They know what the whole town expects them to do. But on the other side, their everyday life and friendship with Santiago Nasar, their victim, fills them with haste to fulfill tradition and do their pre-said duty. In The Visit, its tradition in the first place that brings the much anticipated lady Zachanassian to Guellen. So, in other words, tradition kills Ill as well as Santiago Nasar. Intertwined with the complications of tradition are the moral values behind any clearly human act. The only reason tradition has always been so difficult to adhere to is because of the moral issues behind the acts that tradition is composed of. This is seen in both pieces. In A Chronicle of a Death Foretold, the Vicario brothers are in a state of great misfortune not only because of the shame inflicted upon the Vicario family name but also because of the deed the have to carry out. However they also want their duty to be done. In an attempt to combine both, the twins unsuccessfully try to be caught whilst looking for Santiago Nasar. In other words, they seek someone to stop them by telling the whole town of their intentions. ,in reality it seemed that the Vicario brothers had done nothing right with a view to killing Santiago Nasar immediately and without any public spectacle, but had done much more than could be imagined to have someone stop them from killing him, and they had failed (p. 56). In The Visit, the town tries to hold its moral values despite the ironic reward the people and state will get if they do not. Later on in the book, even though Guellen has completely lost its morality and plans on doing Maddamme Zachanassians bidding and killing Ill, the townspeople will not admit, whatsoever that they have lost their towns values. Moreover, they blame Ill for not having any morality and tell him that if he had any values he would use a gun on himself outright. Ill, however denies the Mayors suggestion. Mayor: Pity. Youre missing a chance to redeem yourself and be a more or less decent human being. (p. 81) Tradition and the morality behind it are the two most ancient forms of justice. Today, justice is defined by laws and mainly is democratic and clear. But every person has their own form of justice for things, often acquiring either guilt or praise thereafter; or none of the two. Self-justice is reflexively self-justifying. In The Chronicle of a Death Foretold, the Vicario brothers want Justice. However, their morality, as discussed above, does not allow them to justify their familys shame by killing Santiago Nasar. For the sake of tradition they kill Santiago anyway. Pablo and Pedro Vicario tell everybody they come across that they will kill Santiago Nasar, hoping to get caught.. That way, they would have done their justice and duty as the brothers of Angela Vicario, the violated girl, by attempting to kill Santiago and not actually slaying him. They do not commit a crime the do not want to commit and which they consider immoral. Also, when Santiago appears to them, the Vicario twins do not face him head on. Instead they give him a chance of escape by remaining of the opposite side of the street and giving him a head-start through their body language. Clara Zachanassian in The Visit loses all of her moralities during her childhood as a prostitute and thus ends up defying the right and wrong of justice. Therefore, she goes ahead and offers money for an assassination. The townspeople of Guellen try to force back their moralities but fail to do so. As a result they take an alternative route to solving their problem. They masquerade the immorality of the crime of murder as justice. What follows is that they kill Ill with their bare hands. For justice and tradition to be enforced, a clear communication line must be drawn. Communication is what leads to the smooth flow of traditions and miscommunication to their collapse of justice. Morality has to do with a persons ability to communicate to oneself what they truly consider right or wrong; in this case it is contributed to justice and questionable traditions. Pedro and Pablo Vicarios failure to alert the whole town of Riochacha of their imminent crime is a result of poor communication. They misinterpreted the ability of the townspeople to pass on information and the rate in which the news would diffuse their way to Santiago Nasar or to the police. However they did not take one aspect of tradition into account: But most of those who could have done something to prevent the crime and did not consoled themselves with the pretext that affairs of honor are sacred monopolies [according to tradition], giving access only to those who are part of the drama. (p. 114). So, according to tradition, most people in town could not tell the authorities, nor anyone for that matter, about the Vicario twins and on top of that they could justify themselves by blaming it on the towns ethics. Destiny makes us invisible (Quote, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, 1928) The town of Guellen, on the other hand, had a level of communication between them far better than any other. They could communicate through the sub-conscious. It is not exactly stated that the Guelleners had actually decided upon killing Ill, so this could be assumed. They were very well organized and swift in killing Ill, as they were able to put many new products they wanted, more than needed, on account. As is clear, tradition, morality and justice are all connectable aspects which are usually bound together by a means of communication. Situations become elaborate and complications arise. The Chronicle of a Death Foretold and The Visit are two great examples of a situation that results from the combinations of those four issues.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Prevention Suicide People Mental Health Health And Social Care Essay

Prevention Suicide People Mental Health Health And Social Care Essay Suicide is defined as the process involving one ending his/her own life. There are various types of suicide which can make it rather difficult to help define the term. Traditional suicide is referred to those individuals who plan or act upon self-destructive thoughts and feelings whilst under immense stress. Assisted suicide is another term where a physician may help a terminally ill person to die, avoiding an imminent, inevitable and potentially painful decline. The World Health Organisation (WHO) defines mental health as a state of well-being in which the individual realises his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her own community (Organization,, 2010). The rate of suicide in the UK is continuing to fall where figures reached their lowest in 2007 for both men and women. Suicide rates in 2008 were slightly higher than those seen in 2007 where 5,706 suicides were recorded however in 2009 there was a slight decrease were 5,675 suicides were recorded in the UK (Statistics O. f., Suicide rates in the United Kingdom, 2011). Although suicide rates are seen as rather low when compared to the early years such as the period between 1990- 2000, there is still a major concern in the number of suicides committed each year. The prevalence of suicide in the UK is still rather high and remains a major concern due to the number of people going to hospital after having attempted suicide. The rate of men committing suicide is estimated to be about three quarters of the men in the UK, where men aged 25-34 are at highest risk of suicide, followed by men aged 35-44. Suicide is considered as the second most frequent cause of death within men aged between 15-44, after accidental death (NHS Choices , 2009). Suicide and young people is also common within people aged 15-24, where accidental death is generally the cause of death followed by suicide. Figures state about 7-14% of young people will self-harm at one point in their life (NHS Choices , 2009). Suicide is major problem when it comes to the elderly because figures in 2006 showed that 217 people aged 80 or over took their own lives which equated to 5.2% of overall deaths from suicides (NHS Choices , 2009). Comparing the suicide rates in 2008 between men and women, there were 17.7 suicides per 100,000 population in men and 5.4 per 100,000 in women, thus showing men were three times more likely to commit suicide than women (Statistics O. f., Suicide rates in the United Kingdom, 2010). Statistics are currently as they stand where women are less likely to commit suicide than men, as women are more likely to report symptoms of common mental health problems instead of men therefore they receive appropriate treatment be it drugs and/or therapy (Statistics N. , 2003). Possible risk factors for suicide: A previous attempt at suicide Possible exposure to suicidal behaviour of others (friends, family or media figures) Family history of suicide Family history of substance abuse Substance abuse Incarceration Violence within the household (physical or sexual) Family history of mental disorder Depression or other mental disorders When dealing with suicide many individuals who have lost a loved one sometimes wonder if they could have possibly prevented it or some individuals may even blame themselves for the main cause of suicide in others. Therefore this self blaming may lead to behavioural changes which could represent itself as a decrease in the persons ability to express emotions. Those who experience grieving go through a series of emotions which could render them rather emotionally unstable, those who do experience these emotions sometimes become fixated upon the fact that they may be involved in the death in some manner thus feeling suicide may be the only option to make up for what they believe is all their fault. Observing suicide rates and the possible risk factors behind suicide, research has shown that majority of people who do commit suicide or attempt to commit suicide actually do have a mental illness where the common cause is depression. Following depression, 10-15% of people affected by bipolar disorder will commit suicide followed by 4% of people with schizophrenia committing suicide soon after their illness begins (NHS Choices , 2009). The most common types of mental health problems currently in the UK are: (Organization, mhGAP Intervention Guide, 2010) Anxiety Mood disorders Eating disorders Psychotic disorders Impulse control and addiction disorders Mental illness has shown to play a crucial role and is possibly the main precipitating factor in preventing suicides. Research studies (stated earlier) have shown to form a relationship between suicide rates and mental disorders which leads to suggest that if the appropriate help and support is provided to those with mental illnesses then possible there could be a decline or prevention in the number of suicides seen each year. Depression is the leading cause of suicide in people with mental health problems thus people in this mind of frame are usually of low mood and may occasionally have thoughts of suicide. Therefore if we treat the mental disorder then it can stand to reason that thoughts of suicide may also disappear. Preventing suicide isnt simple and people who do experience episodes of depression or reoccurring thoughts of suicide should be dealt with efficiently and as soon as possible to prevent harm to them but also to others. It is important to emphasise that people are reminded that help is always available wherever and whenever they need it and many health care professional such as GPs or Pharmacists are there at their disposal. Although GPs and Pharmacists are qualified health care professionals they still may not be fully competent in providing advice in situations involving people with mental health disorders. Practitioners that are unsure whether an individual actually is mentally ill and may also be suicidal can still play a part by providing help and support and referring them to more qualified personal for diagnosis. Suicide prevention can be carried out through many procedures such as using drugs (antidepressants) or talking therapies (counselling or cognitive behavioural therapy). Those who are described as having a mental disorder, have the hidden burden of stigma and discrimination often faced by those with mental disorders. The term mental illness can be rather misleading as although these problems can arise from biological or medical contributions they can also result from a series of complex interactions of biological, psychological or social factors. Also many illnesses experienced by individuals may differ slightly from normal categories used to describe mental illnesses therefore sometimes a true diagnosis cannot be determined or may be misleading. Furthermore, when diagnosing people as having a mental health problem there is no universal agreed cut off point between normal behaviour and that which is associated with mental illness. Therefore if it is hard to diagnose people with a mental illness then it does also make it rather difficult to prevent suicides from occurring aswell (foundation, 2010). Mental illness can lead to improper thoughts such as suicide as many individuals may feel its not worth living if they have to go through feelings which make their quality of life rather unsatisfactory. Measures which can be taken to help fight such thoughts and help cope with feelings of sadness, loneliness or just general low self of esteem can involve: Focusing on certain things which help shift your mind from negative thoughts such as socialising with people who you generally have fun with, spoiling yourself with new cloths/food, or doing deep breathing exercises. Stimulating the mind and body through performing light exercises, going for a walk outside of the house to get some fresh air and to get a change of atmosphere, planning the day to ensure productivity and try to maintain your usual sleeping pattern. Avoid depressants such as alcohol or illegal drugs which may feel beneficial at first but long term effects can cause depression and sometimes anxiety, furthermore you may make decisions that you normally would regard as dangerous/pointless. Socialising to stay connected to the world can help prevent feelings of entrapment, also talking to people about any feelings you may be experiencing can help and spending time with friends to fight against loneliness. Focusing on positive things in your life rather than regretting what could or should have been. Go to support/self-help groups and share similar experiences with people in the same situation as yourself and see how they manage their day. Comparing the likelihood of who is more likely to develop mental health problems, it was reported that women receive more treatment for mental health problems than men, however studies determined this was mainly due to women being more likely to report their symptoms rather than suffer in silence which many men tend do. Depression is also thought to play a vital role in the development of suicide, where 1 in 4 women will require treatment for depression, whereas only 1 in 10 men will require treatment. Diagnosing depression in men and women is somewhat a difficult process and can sometimes be under diagnosed because they may present to their GP with different symptoms or possibly due to social or biological factors, thus possibly showing men more likely to become diagnosed with depression. A common mental health problem that also occurs more in women than men is anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder and increased chances of developing phobias. On the other hand, men are more likely to develop an alcohol or drug addiction compared to women. It is also thought that mental health problems may be greater in minority ethnic groups than in the white population; however they are less likely to be diagnosed by the GP. Although it is not clear to what extent mental health care and primary care providers can prevent suicide in those individuals who die due to their mental health problem(s) it is believed they can play a significant role in the prevention. Also for those who do make contact with mental health care providers, majority of these people are adults thus suggesting the youth segment may need to be targeted more to ensure everything was done to prevent their death. When we look at prevention techniques to minimise or even deplete the frequency of suicides committed by those individuals who are not thinking clearly or those with mental health problems, we firstly think what can be done to reduce the chances of this person committing suicide, and then hopefully aiming to remove all thoughts about suicide and what he or she hopes to achieve by carrying out this act. Mental health professionals as stated early can play a crucial role in preventing suicide through the means of providing support and help whenever the person may require it, be it day or night. The term health professional is rather a vague term which can be used to describe a broad range of qualified group of individuals each trained in their specific field to offer their unique services to ensure the can do their role in the prevention of suicide. Many people with mental health problems who think suicide is the only way they will be free from what they may be going through, can be treated not only through the means of supplying various drugs to manage their condition but also by using techniques which provide support to those who may need it the most. There are many mental health professionals which can provide their services to help those which are not in the correct state of mind by making sure to identify the most suitable plan of action which will be of benefit to the patient, which could entail recommending patients to other mental health professionals (such as a GP recommending a patient to see psychotherapist) to ensure their needs are fully met and overall to ensure the most beneficial therapy or treatment has been considered. Mental health professionals: (care, 2010) General Practitioners Psychiatrists Clinical psychologists Nurses in psychiatric hospitals Community psychiatric nurses Keyworkers Occupational therapists (OTs) Social workers Support workers Community support workers Psychotherapists Counsellors Befrienders Carrying out a history of past suicide attempts is one of the most accurate predictors of possible future risk attempts.  It has been estimated that about 10-15% of people who make contact with a healthcare service due to a first suicide attempt eventually die by suicide, the risk being greatest during the first year after an attempt. The White Paper  The Health of the Nation (1992) outlined the health strategy for England, and recognised mental health as one of the five main areas in which targets were set for ensuring improvements in peoples health. The aims/targets focused on decreasing the total rate of suicide by at about 15% by 2000 and declining suicides of people with severe mental disorders by at least 33%. Those people, who have previously attempted to commit suicide, are mainly at risk as they are more likely to repeat their actions until they are successful. Furthermore a good indicator could be those who have a history of suicide attempts within the family. Suicidal thoughts do play any important part in depression and those individuals who have symptoms of depression are therefore more likely to be at risk, in particular if they express a sense of despair about the future or see no point in life. Research studies have shown good indication that both people with mental illnesses and some people with medical disorders, for example heart disease and cancer, are associated with an increased risk of suicide. Functional mental disorders such as depression and bipolar disorders are associated with the highest risk overall; substance misuse and organic disorders are associated with a lesser degree of risk. On average, people with reoccurring depression have a 15-20% increased risk of suicide; people living with schizophrenia have a 10-15% increased risk. These figures may be rough estimates but, as many who die by suicide may have been experiencing undiagnosed depressive illness. The most common mental illnesses which cause suicide are depression and schizophrenia where in depression the mental health foundation estimates that about 70% of suicides are due to those in a depressive state (Foundation, 1997). Depression is known to result in suicidal thoughts and indeed suicidal ideation is an important element in the diagnosis of depression. There is link made where the risk of committing suicide does increase with deeper the depression. However suicidal rates do increase when a individual comes out of a depressive state and energy levels and motivation become greater. Schizophrenia was the also one of the most leading causes of death a study which was shown by the World Health Organization (WHO). Depression is generally the main factor leading to suicide in schizophrenia; however it is the hopelessness about ones future that actually leads to suicide. Therefore certain strategies to help prevent suicides in people with mental health problems can involve: (Health D. o., 2002) Using a Care Programme Approach for those who have severe mental illnesses and a history of self-harm Have local arrangements for information sharing between criminal justice agencies Carry out follow-up sessions within a week of discharge for people with severe mental illnesses or a known history of self-harm Use of atypical antipsychotic medication to be made available for all patients with severe mental illness who are non-compliant with typical drugs due to side effects Promotion of access to services for people in crisis and their families Adequate staff training in the management of risk, every three years Prompt access to services for people in crisis and their families Strategies for dual diagnosis entailing management of substance misuse services Specialised care plans specifying actions to take if a patient is non-compliant or fails to attend Assertive outreach teams to prevent loss of contact with vulnerable and high-risk patients The prevention of suicide in patients with mental health problems is not an easy task, as we have seen there is no single route to achieving these targets for reducing deaths by suicide, since the factors associated with suicide are many and varied.

Women in the Scientific Revolution

Women in the Scientific Revolution The scientific revolution is generally considered part of the broader intellectual revolution that began with the Italian Renaissance and the rediscovery and translation of the classical writers, particularly Aristotle, sometime during the fourteenth century. It is only in retrospect that one can understand broad movements, such as this, but one can assert with confidence that the scientific revolution resulted from a confluence of several factors, most particularly the rejection of the Ptolemaic model of planetary movement combined with an increased interest in Aristotelian science (Grant, 1996). Thus, the scientific revolution, insofar as it was a revolution rather than a developing, continuous process, may be claimed to have begun in 1543 with the publication of Copernicus De revolutionibus orbium coelestium, though establishing this as a boundary is as much a matter of convenience as anything else (Linton, 2004). As an intellectual and cultural phenomenon, the scientific revoluti on continues to the present, moving through such advances as Newtonian mechanics, the experimental method of chemistry, advanced in anatomy and medicine, Darwinian evolution, relativity and quantum mechanics, with myriad offshoots at every stage along the way of this development. At the present, there is much dispute about how, or whether, the scientific revolution will end: some think it will continue forever, while others believe it will culminate with grand unification, a theory of everything that explains both gravity and subatomic forces, in effect capable of describing all phenomena (Westfall, 1971). That woman have played pivotal roles in the advancement of science is undeniable; as with male figures, it is possible to isolate selected examples of women who made significant contributions. There is no reason to believe that such contributions were made because of their gender, but given the nature of society at the time of the scientific revolution, one may assert that the contributions were made in spite of their gender. As the scientific revolution may be said to continue to the present day, so too, does the gender bias in the sciences, though there is evidence this is getting better. Women in the Scientific Revolution Margaret Cavendish Perhaps Margaret Cavendish is the best example of such a woman in the midst of the scientific revolution. While biographies of her once concentrated on her eccentric behavior and the more florid aspects of her life (Grant, 1957, Whitaker, 2003), we are the beneficiaries of a recent flurry of scholarly interest in her philosophical and scientific undertakings. She engaged with, and apparently held her own against Thomas Hobbes, Robert Boyle, Renà © Descartes and others in the early Royal Society, though she herself was denied fellowship in that exalted body (Walters, 2014). Margaret Cavendish rejected Aristotelianism and the mechanist philosophies that prevailed through much of that time, adopting a vitalist view instead, holding that living things are different from nonliving things in that they possess a spark of life that subjects them to different physical rules; this is now an obsolete scientific theory (Sarasohn, 2010). ONeill in Cavendish (2001) characterizes Cavendishs natura l philosophy as an outright rejection of Aristotle while adopting stoic doctrines; ONeill (2001) also notes that while women rarely wrote on scientific matters at this time, Margaret Cavendish published six scientific books, two of which are currently in print; it is also worth noting that Margaret Cavendish was a duchess and, as such, had certain social and economic advantages most other women would not have shared. Cavendishs main scientific work was Observations Upon Experimental Philosophy (2001), written in the vernacular, rather than the Latin that was typical of scientific books until well into the nineteenth century, which itself reflects the scientific revolutions origin in the Greek and Latin classics. She had already undertaken earnest study of contemporary scientific and philosophical works and this book of hers clearly shows the influence of Thomas Hobbes, who had instructed her brother Sir Charles Lucas in philosophy; in fact, she was one of the few of her time who accepted Hobbes ideas that incorporeal souls do not exist in nature (Sarasohn, 2010). She certainly expresses herself well in her book, even discussing in the preface whether her excessive writing is a disease (Mendelson, 1987), a question that still plagues modern practitioners (e.g., Flaherty, 2004). As she points out, she wrote primarily for herself and if it was a disease, then it was a wonderful disease suffered by A ristotle, Homer and Cicero, among others (Cavendish, 2001). Women in the Scientific Revolution Maria Winckelmann In Germany, circumstances for women in science were different; few independently pursed their scientific interests. The astronomer Maria Winckelmann Kirsch is perhaps the best and certainly the best remembered example. She married the astronomer and mathematician Gottfried Kirsch and while they functioned as equals, the prevailing attitude of their time was that she was his assistant; Kirsch himself was a product of a scientific family and there is no reason to believe he did not appreciate his wifes collaboration. In any event, we know she wrote of the conjunctions of the planets and, in 1702 became the first woman to discover a comet; she also published the most erudite observations of the aurora borealis to that time (Schiebinger, 1987). Unfortunately, Maria Winckelmann Kirsch has yet to benefit from a revival of scholarly interest in her life and activities that has benefited Margaret Cavendish. Women in the Scientific Revolution Maria Gaetana Agnesi In Italy, traditionally regarded as the birthplace of the Renaissance, the situation for women was different still, and is best exemplified by Maria Gaetana Agnesi, who, like Margaret Cavendish, had the advantages of wealth and social position and also pursued her interests independently. Her father was a professor of mathematics at Bologna and Maria showed intellectual gifts from an early age (Osen, 1975). Throughout her life, he was a very religious person and constantly found herself in the verge of spiritual revelation; fortunately for the history of science, she was a person of rare intellectual energy and she undertook the study of calculus when that was still cutting edge mathematics. Her most important work is Instituzioni analitiche ad uso della gioventà ¹ italiana, which uncharitably translates to Analytic Institutions for Use by Italian Youths an excellent introduction to Euclid and the first work to include both differential and integral calculus; in fact, Struik (1987) refers to her at the first important woman mathematician since Hypatia, some thirteen centuries before; Struik (1987) also calls this work the model for all subsequent calculus textbooks. As it was intended as a textbook for use by students, like Cavendish, Agnesi wrote in the vernacular Italian, and wrote very well, though lacked the Margaret Cavendishs literary charm. Agnesi became a professor of mathematics at the University of Bologna, the first woman to achieve this, anywhere. As noted, she spent much of her life in religious contemplation, though it should also be noted that she devoted much of her she considerable wealth to helping the poor and infirm, to the point that she converted at least part of her home into a charity hospital. She was recognized in her lifetime and was praised by many, including Pope Benedict XIV, himself no intellectual lightweight (Mazzotti, 1987). If Maria Agnesi is remembered for anything now, curiously it is for something she did not discover: the Witch of Agnesi, a curve whose mathematical properties lie somewhat outside the scope of this paper. While others had previously considered this curve, Agnesi was the first to give it a rigorous analytical treatment in her textbook; that it is called a witch is the product of an unfortunate early mistranslation into English that stuck. The curve, however, has one property worth mentioning: it almost exactly resembles an isolated water wave (Mazzotti, 1987). These three are just examples of women who took part in the scientific revolution. There were many others worthy of mention and many others still whose contributions are either lost or unrecognized, in some cases, to this day. The Status of Women in Science Now It is safe to say that of all the scientists ever, an overwhelming percentage are professionally active now, and among there, there are more women than ever before. This notwithstanding, women face serious obstacles in the sciences. Statistics indicate that women do less well than men in terms of degree, tenure and salary. In a field such as nursing, that has traditionally been dominated by women, men hold four percent of the professorships; by contrast women have never held as much as four percent of the professorships in any field dominated by men; even in psychology, were women obtain the majority of doctorates, women do not yet fill the majority of professorships (Schiebinger, 2001). Even so, there have been many noteworthy women scientists at present. To cite just one such example, the American Barbara McClintock discovered the transposition of genes and this explained how certain physical characteristics are turned on or off (Comfort, 1999). For this, she was elected to the National Academy of Sciences in 1944 and in 1983 won the Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine and, in fact, remains the only woman to win that prize, unshared. There is some contention over the exact nature and precedence of her discoveries, but even her critics concede her pivotal role in genetics research (Comfort, 2001). Reducing Barbara McClintock and her contributions to a single paragraph is hardly fair to her, or to women in science today. It is, however, important to recognize that woman have made important contributions to science from the earliest times and while many of these contributions remain unrecognized, this is finally being addressed. Given current demographic and educational trends, it is clear that the influence of women in science will only increase with time. Conclusion As noted, women have played important roles in science from antiquity to the present, though their roles and their contributions have often been lost or gone unrecognized. This paper has examined three such figures from the time of the scientific revolution, as well as one from the postwar era in the United States to demonstrate that their contributions can be meaningful and as important as those of their male counterparts. It is to be understood that if science is to be a truly democratic and fair institution, it must welcome contributions and criticism from everyone and while tremendous strides have been made, the institution of science as a whole still has a long way to go to achieve this egalitarian goal. References Cavendish, M. (2001). Observations upon experimental philosophy. E. ONeill (ed.). New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. Comfort, N. (1999). The real point is control: The reception of Barbara McClintocks controlling elements. Journal of the History of Biology, 32 (1): 133–62 Comfort, N. (2001). The tangled field. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Flaherty, A. (2004). The midnight disease: The drive to write, writers block, and the creative brain. New York, NY: Harcourt Brace. Grant, D. (1957). Margaret the first: A biography of Margaret Cavendish Duchess of Newcastle 1623–1673. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press. Grant, E. (1996). The foundations of modern science in the Middle Ages: Their religious, institutional, and intellectual contexts. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. Linton, C. (2004). From Eudoxus to Einstein: A history of mathematical astronomy. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. Mazzotti, M. (2007). The world of Maria Gaetana Agnesi, Mathematician of God. Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins University Press. Mendelson, S. (1987). Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle. In The mental world of three Stuart women. Brighton, UK: Harvester, pp. 12–61. Osen, L. (1975). Women in Mathematics. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Sarasohn, L. (2010) The natural philosophy of Margaret Cavendish: Reason and fancy during the scientific revolution. Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins University Press. Schiebinger, L. (1987). Maria Winckelmann at the Berlin Academy: A turning point for women in science. Isis, Journal of the History of Science Society, 78 (292): 174–200. Schiebinger, L. (2001). Has Feminism Changed Science? Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Struik, D. (1987). A Concise history of mathematics (4th rev. ed.). New York, NY: Dover Publications. Walters, L. (2014). Margaret Cavendish: Gender, science and politics. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. Westfall, R. (1971). The construction of modern science. New York, NY: John Wiley and Sons. Whitaker, K. (2003). Mad Madge: Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle, royalist, writer and romantic. London: Chatto and Windus.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Honesty is the Best Policy Essay -- Literary Analysis, Cofer, Ephron,

Henry Louis Mencken said, â€Å"It is hard to believe that a man is telling the truth when you know that you would lie if you were in his place.† Under most circumstances people in the world today would lie before they tell the true. I believe people would rather stretch the truth, than be honest with themselves and with others. Judith Ortiz Cofer, Nora Ephron, and Eric Schlosser, demonstrate honesty throughout their essays. Cofer’s essay â€Å"The Story of My Body† is an autobiography focusing on her childhood; how she honestly felt about herself growing up. She was truthful about her skin color; she did not try to enrich her skin color to improve the essay. â€Å"White,† †blanca† is what Cofer was identified as in Puerto Rico growing up (Cofer 324). Being different growing up is difficult and intimidating, but she was honest with herself and accepted who she was. Cofer was honest about her size â€Å"I was 4F, skinny, short, bespectacled† is how Cofer honestly explains her stature, and honestly tells the readers that her nickname was â€Å"shrimp† (326, 327). Being honest, lead Cofer to realize she had knowledge, which is more important than achieving an A in physical education class. This allowed her to discover who she was, which helped her become an honest person. Finally, Cofer’s honesty about her â€Å"looks† helps portray a picture of confusion of growing up. In Puerto Rico she was â€Å"rewarded for being bonita, pretty,† but in â€Å"main stream world of school† she was just â€Å"presentable† (Cofer 328, 329). Being honest with herself allowed her to represent her class, she did not over dress; she dressed â€Å"neatly† (Cofer 329). Her honesty throughout her childhood, allowed her to become the type of person she is today. Ephron’s essay â€Å"The Boston Photographe... ...e bacteria’s have made it across America in their foods (Schlosser 496). The advertisement of large corporations â€Å"aggressively market to children† and children can be affected by contaminated meat easier than an adult (Schlosser 496). The rise of the fast food corporations has honesty began the devastation of economic decline in the United States. Honesty can be hard to find in someone, the fact is people will lie before telling the truth. It is difficult to understand that the honesty in a novel or article can be more entertaining than a fictional tale. The three essays by Judith Ortiz Cofer, Nora Ephron, and Eric Schlosser, portrayed how honesty overcomes dishonesty. Writing about personnel events in life, or about a company destroying America, or even how other people become angry with something you have done, it is still the best policy to be honest.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Comparing Society Today with Ayn Rands, Anthem Essay -- Government

Imagine a world where people are only expected to live up to 45 years old. In today's society, there are countries that experience this. In the novel Anthem, by Ayn Rand; there are many factors like lifestyle, government, medicine, and education that lead to this. There are a couple of ways where the world in the novel is similar and different to today's society. A reason why life expectancy is so short in the novel is because of the "Great Rebirth", the "Great Rebirth" led to a new world that doesn't have machinery or electronics. Because of this there was a lack of medicine. Life expectancy is so short in this society because there isn't any advanced medicine. They think that by cutting them open and letting them bleed the infections would go away. In fact, this would cause someone to bleed to death. This relates to us because in the beginning we didn't know much about medicine or technology, which lead to many deaths. Now, our society has greatly improved because medicine has been greatly developed and diseases that were once thought to be incurable now have a cure. Also, educa...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Moby Dick

Moby Dick is a story about man’s abiding fascination and struggle with the sea, and his desire to unravel the mysteries of the deep. The sea in Herman Melville’s 1851 novel becomes the context within which the author explores profound and universal themes about life and living. The story tells the story of vengeful captain as seen through he a stowaway sailor, Ishmael, who wanders and aboards the whaling ship, Pequod. The Pequod is commandeered by a certain Captain Ahab, whom Ishmael meets only when the Pequod has gone to sea.Later on, Ishmael realizes that Captain Ahab has more sinister plans which went beyond simple commercial endeavors. While the Pequod is a whaling ship and her crew is supposed to catch whales for trade, Captian Ahab intends to use the ship and her crew to exact vengeance on a whale that has gravely injured and disfigured him. The whale’s name is Moby Dick, and the novel revolves around Ahab’s chase for this great creature amid the vas t and unforgiving sea, as seen through the eyes of young Ishmael. Ishmael plays no actual role in the unfolding of the story; rather, he serves as the author’s narrator and the instrument by which the author expresses his profound musings on whales, whaling, and whalers and the relationships that each has to the other.Much scholarly discussion has been made on Moby Dick and the underlying themes that buttress the story. As such, this paper intends to take on the story and frame the analysis within the context of one specific passage in the book. The particular quote goes:  Perhaps they were; or perhaps there might have been shoals of them in the far horizon; but lulled into such an opium-like listlessness of vacant, unconscious reverie is this absent-minded youth by the blending cadence of waves with thoughts, that at last he loses his identity; takes the mystic oceans at his feet for the visible image of that deep, blue, bottomless soul, pervading mankind and nature; and e very strange, half-seen, gliding, beautiful thing that eludes him; every dimly-discovered, up-rising fin of some indiscernible form, seems to him the embodiment of those elusive thoughts that only people the soul by continually flitting through it. (p. 152)These words were told by an experienced whaler to a young and impressionable lad, like an old man passing on his wisdom and life experiences to the next generation, in the hopes that they might glean valuable lessons from it. The whaler notices that the young sailor has been going out to sea for three years already, without catching a single whale all those times. Thus the whaler goes to reflect on the elusive whale and the seemingly endless search for them. â€Å"Perhaps they were; or perhaps there might have been shoals of them in the far horizon†¦Ã¢â‚¬ At first sight and given the context of the book, it is obvious that the whaler is talking about whales in this line. The whaler waxes about the vastness of the ocean and that somewhere in this immense space lie an abundance of whales, whales which he has spent all his life hunting. However upon deeper analysis, one can see that the whaler is not just talking about whales. He is waxing about one’s search for dreams and the hopes for a better life, and that one can spend a lifetime chasing without ever catching those precious dreams. On the other hand, those who remain true to the chase and never turn their back on the sea will eventually be rewarded by a harvest of fulfilled dreams.†¦But lulled into such an opium-like listlessness of vacant, unconscious reverie is this absent-minded youth by the blending cadence of waves with thoughts, that at last he loses his identity†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Again the whaler speaks of whales and why most of them are hard to find. The whaler speaks of those who lose themselves in the vastness of the sea because of their youth and lack of direction. This perhaps is a veiled warning to the young sailor that life can be misleading and deceitful, and those who are too reckless may find themselves irretrievably lost.†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"Takes the mystic oceans at his feet for the visible image of that deep, blue, bottomless soul, pervading mankind and nature; and every strange, half-seen, gliding, beautiful thing that eludes him†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Here the whaler explains why whales can get lost. The whales are tempted by reckless instincts to explore the unknown. Enticed by the mysteries and beauties of the deep, the whale may be coaxed into plunging into deep waters where he is not equipped with the capacity to survive. Whales, being mammals, need oxygen to breathe, and as such, they need to break the surface of the water every once in a while.When whales go too deep or explore too far, their oxygen reserves may run out too soon, and they run out of air before they can swim to the surface. Young whales that are too reckless drown because they gave in to the temptations of the deep. In contrast, older whale s, wiser and more experienced, know how far they can go in the ocean. Again the whaler may very well be waxing about life, and how the impudence and lack of respect for the sea can lead sailors and whales alike to the eternal embrace of the ocean’s depths.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Every dimly-discovered, up-rising fin of some indiscernible form seems to him the embodiment of those elusive thoughts that only people the soul by continually flitting through it.† This again is an elaboration of the deceitful nature of appearances; that physical forms almost always belie its true nature. Often the ones that come in the most attractive guises are those that are the most destructive in life, and whales, just like humans are tempted just the same.The passage discussed in this paper symbolizes the very essence of what the novel is about. It talks about youth and dreams, and how such can be easily lost and wasted. It also talks about how whales, just like humans, can fall into the illusion o f invincibility and fall prey to all kinds of temptations. The quote is also representative of man’s constant struggle to understand and tame nature.The whales, as described by the veteran whaler, are abundant, but given the vastness of the sea, are hard to find. The whales are also symbolic of all the things that we are obsessed about, regardless of whether it is a futile chase or not. As Ishmael said, â€Å"There is, one knows not what sweet mystery about this sea, whose gently awful stirrings seem to speak of some hidden soul beneath†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (361) Perhaps, the whaler as he was saying those words is also waxing about his own life, and how it once was so full of promise. In the same token, he might also be talking about Captain Ahab and how he has lost himself in the empty pursuit of revenge. The line which describes how whales may be lost may be representative of Ahab’s own disregard for his life and those of his crew; he is consumed with the desire to exact r evenge, and he will never find rest until he meets the whale once again. In that sense he is lost and drowning in his blind obsession with vengeance.The passage encapsulates the tremendous scope of Moby Dick as it tackles simultaneous social, religious, and personal issues all in one novel. While the book is a story of adventure and a chronicle at sea, it is a tale of life and all the wonderful and terrifying things about it.   That the quote being analyzed in this paper lends itself to so many interpretations speaks of the character of the novel itself. Moby Dick can be different things to different people. A person’s interpretation of the book also depends on their current situation and their perception of the story changes when their situation changes as well.Moby Dick is largely heterogeneous and mutable, constantly shifting and redefining itself (Brodhead 4) and does not lend itself to be limited to a particular literary genre. And the fact that it succeeds at being el usive, is a part of the character of the novel itself. Like the elusive Moby Dick, the novel itself is indefinable in the immensity of its scope. However, while the novel tackles a myriad of themes, his choice of the sea as the general setting is explained in Ishmael’s words, â€Å"If they but knew it, almost all men in their degree, some time or other, cherish very nearly the same feelings towards the ocean with me.† (14) Indeed, the sea’s appeal is universal and it touches to some basic aspect of our common humanity. By the sea, we feel intimations of our smallness and greatness all at the same time.Indeed, the book Moby Dick is filled with veiled and not-so-veiled philosophical musings about life and living. The sea has always been considered symbolic of life and its hidden meanings and challenges. Moby Dick, while fictional is not a product of the author’s imagination. Herman Melville knew what he was talking about, having worked in a whaling ship whe n he was twenty-one years old.Herman, just like Ishmael, feels like an outsider of life, an outcast because of the circumstances of his lowly birth. It has often been said that Ishmael is Herman’s alter ego, through which Herman was able to express himself and all his thoughts about his life. The sea in Herman Melville’s Moby Dick represents life, in all its magnificence and enormity and the beauty and dangers that lie in its surface. Like Ahab, we all long to master our ship and triumph over the monsters of the deep. Not because of sheer folly but because of our fundamental need to understand the unknown.ReferencesMelville, Herman. Moby Dick. Plain Label Books. 1851.Retrieved on December 13, 2007 from, Richard. New Essays on Moby-Dick. Cambridge University Press. 1986.